Arogya Health

Upper Limb Conditions

Pediatric Upper Limb Conditions

Paediatric upper limb conditions often involve deformity of the upper limb, which limits movement and function of the limb. Treatment depends on the age of patient, the severity of deformity, loss of function and is often customised to the patient’s needs.

  1. Cubitus Valgus
  2. Cubitus Varus
  3. Radial deficiency (Radial club hand)
  4. Radio-Ulnar synostosis

Cubitus Valgus

When the forearm is away from the body with the arm fully straight. It generally happens after fracture does not heal properly. Treatment is dependent on age of patient, cause of the deformity, and severity of the angulation. There is no medical treatment for cubitus valgus. The elbow can be either left as is, or be operated upon to correct the deformity.

Right cubitus valgus in 13 year old

Cubitus Varus (Gun-stock deformity)

It is similar to cubitus valgus, but the forearm is towards the body. There is no medical
treatment for the cubitus varus and surgery is always needed to correct the deformity.

(Cubitus Varus)

Radial Dysplasia / Radial Club Hand

It is a condition where the radius (outer bone in forearm) is either malformed or absent. It may also include deficiencies in the thumb. Treatment ranges from serial plaster to corrective surgery for the condition.

Radial club hand with absent thumb

Radio-ulnar synostosis

Radio-ulnar synostosis is a condition when one bone in the forearm is fused with the other
bone and there is no rotation possible. Treatment depends upon the severity of the condition
and the requirements of the child. If needed, treatment is always surgical.